Mr. Abdelkarim BELHAJ

Curriculum Vitae

 Abdelkarim Belhaj

Professor of Psychology

Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat


Head of the Doctoral Unit in Work and Organizational Psychology.

Expert at the National Center for Scientific and Technical Research

Coordinator of the National Observatory for the Elderly.

Expert- collaborator with the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Development, Equality and the Family.

Science advisor and coordinator of training programs at the Higher School of Psychology, Casablanca.

Associate professor at the University of Niamey, Niger

Member of national and international scientific associations.

Member of committees of national and international scientific journals.

Activities and Works

Valuation Expertise of research projects, publications, and training, scientific and academic.

Expertise of studies and articles for national and international scientific journals

Member of selection and recruitment committees of Skills and Senior Managers in Universities,

Several participations in National and International Scientific Congresses and Colloquia.

Several research works and studies published in Scientific journals.

Several articles in the national press

University supervision

Supervision and member of Doctoral Thesis Juries (Morocco, France, Algeria, Cameroon, Niger)

Coordinator of academic research, research-development, and intervention teams.


Psychology in Morocco between knowledge and practices, Rabat, Bouregreg editions, 2005.

The Social Explanation of the Causality of Behavior, Introduction to Social Cognition. Rabat, Bouregreg editions, 2010.

Psychology, scientific logic and social uses. Rabat, Bouregreg editions, 2016.

Psychosociology of representations and daily practices. Rabat, Bouregreg editions. 2009

(Coord) Psychology of Work and Organizations in Southern Countries. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2014

(Dir): Behaviors, health and identity issues at work. Research in Work and Organizational Psychology. (Support from the Ministry of Culture), Rabat, ed. Bouregreg, 2016

(Dir): The behavior of road users. Cnpac publication, Rabat, 2017.


Best Book in Humanities and Social Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat, 2012.

Best Research Project in Humanities and Social Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat, 2017.