Legal texts of MarocNatCom
The Moroccan National Commission for Education, Sciences and Culture, was created in 1957, by virtue of Dahir n ° 1.57.335 of December 23, 1957 relating to the creation of a National Commission for Education, Sciences and Culture as amended and supplemented (Arabic version).
This Dahir, being the constitutive text of MarocNatCom, stipulates in its first article that the Commission is placed under the authority of His Majesty the King. Its second article, for its part, sets the objectives and missions of the National Commission. Application texts have been adopted for the application of this text throughout the history of the Commission (such as the decrees of 1958, 1983 and 1999).
Currently, Decree No. 2.98.183 of December 3, 1999 (Arabic version) setting the powers and modalities of the composition and management of the National Commission for Education, Science and Culture, as amended and completed in 2015 and 2019, governs the commission and sets the provisions relating to its composition and functioning. The main provisions of this decree are as follows:
– MarocNatCom has the vocation of:
Playing the role of popularizing the objectives and programs of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) , and the Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Science (ALECSO);
Play an advisory role on behalf of the Moroccan delegations to the three aforementioned organizations;
– The presidency of MarocNatCom is ensured by the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research;
– The composition of the Commission includes:
The Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs, representatives of the Ministries in charge of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Foreign Affairs, Culture and Communication, Family, Solidarity, Equality and Social Development;
The delegates and representatives of the Kingdom to the UNESCO, ICESCO and ALECSO and their bodies, in addition to four Deans of Moroccan Universities as well as ten (10) recognized personalities in the fields of Education, Sciences, Culture, Sport, Communication and Social Affairs;
The Commission has a standing bureau and a General Secretariat. It may, by virtue of the provisions of the same decree, set up specialized and Provincial Commissions.
It should be noted that the functioning of MarocNatCom is set out in the rules of procedures validated by the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Scientific Research and published in the Official Bulletin.