Mr. Houssine AZEDDOUG

  • Houssine Azeddoug holds a State Doctorate in Genetics and Molecular Biology in 1994 from Ibnou Zohr University and a Doctorate from Paris VII University in 1991, Specialty: Genetics of Populations and Evolution.
  • He is currently Director of the Ecole Normale Supérieure, the Hassan II University of Casablanca, Coordinator of the Commission in charge of Academic Affairs of the Council of Hassan II University of Casablanca and Vice-President of the Regional University Sports League of Hassan II University of Casablanca, 2018.
  • Previously, he was Vice Dean in charge of Academic and Pedagogical Affairs, Coordinator of the Academic Affairs Commission (2009 to 2013), Member or Reviewer of the Scientific Commission (2005 to 2013), Coordinator of the Specialized Master : Applied Biology (2006-2012), Head of Department of Biology (2007 to 2009) at the Aïn Chock Faculty of Sciences, member of the Management Board of the Council of Hassan II University of Casablanca (2015) and Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Institut Pasteur du Maroc (since 2015).
  • He has to his credit several national and international scientific publications and communications, holder of 2 restriction enzymes licenses operated by the New England Biolabs Company (USA), Coordinator of the research team in Genetics and Molecular Biology and Director of several State or National thesis as well as president or member in several national thesis juries or in joint supervision. He has also participated as a member or chairman of scientific and organizing committees of several national and international scientific events.
  • Azeddoug was also Member or Coordinator of several national or international funded research projects, Expert with several authorities (Ministry of Supervision, ANEAQ, CNRST …) as well as member of the team responsible for monitoring the Emergency Program of Hassan II Aïn Chock University.
  • Azeddoug was also President of the Moroccan Society of Genetics and Molecular Biology (since 1996), Vice-President of the Maghrebian Association of Biotechnology (Tunisia, 2005-2009), Institutional Coordinator of the Pole of Competence in Soil Microbiology and plant biotechnology (MiSoBioP), (2002-2008) and member of several national and international scientific societies.