Mr. Mohamed BENYAHIA

Holder of a Doctorate in Ecotoxicology, from the Ecological Research Center of the University of Metz, France, in 1991; and a DEA in Environmental Toxicology, from the European Institute of Ecology (Metz, France).

Former teacher-researcher at the University of Metz, France (1986-1992), he began his administrative career at the Under-Secretary of State for the Minister of the Interior in charge of the Environment in 1993, and successively held the positions of Head of the Planning and Project Monitoring Division at the Ministry of the Environment (1996-1999); then Head of the Partnership Division at the Ministry of Regional Planning, Environment, Town Planning and Housing (2000-2004). After a stint in the cabinet of the Minister of Territorial Planning, Water and Environment (2005-2006) as Research Officer; and Sustainable Development Advisor to the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment; he was appointed Director of Partnership, Communication and Cooperation at the Ministry in charge of the Environment (July 2008-September 2017).

In 2015, he was appointed Chief Negotiator of the Moroccan Delegation to the COP 21 on climate held in Paris; then in 2016, member of the Steering Committee of COP 22 in Marrakech, in charge of the Side-Events Pole.

Since September 2017, he has been Secretary General of the Department of the Environment.