Mr. Mohamed ESSAOURI

Academic credentials:

1989:             State Doctorate in literature and humanities, with honors, University of Paris-Sorbonne.

1975:             PhD in French literature with honors /University of Paris-Sorbonne.

1972:             Bachelor’s degree in French Literature –Honors- Faculty of letters and humanities –Rabat-


March 1995:           knight of the Order of Throne.

February 2003       knight of the order of academic palms,

March 2005            officer of the Order of Throne

Administrative functions:

1976-1978   Director of the regional pedagogical center of Rabat and of the special cycle of the training of teachers in the second cycle.

1978-1986   Deputy Director of the higher teacher training college, Rabat-Souissi-

1986-1987   Acting Director at the higher teacher training College,

1987-1991   Secretary General of Mohammedia School of Engineers,

1991-1994   Dean of the faculty of Letters and Humanities -BeniMellal,

1994-1998   Dean of the faculty of letters and Humanities of Mohammedia,

1999-2000   Dean of the faculty of letters and Humanities of Marrakech,

2000-2002   Dean Adviser at the Royal College of higher military Education,

2002-2010   President of the University IbnTofail of Kenitra;

2011-             Academic adviser.

Pedagogical positions:

Secondary Education

  • Teacher at the secondary school Ibn Abdoun and at the Regional Pedagogical Center in Rabat.

Higher Education,

  • Professor and researcher at the Faculty of letters and humanities – University of Med V Rabat, , Department of French Language and Literature;
  • Conducting postgraduate seminars and supervising doctoral theses in Aesthetic Methodology and Cultural Communication.
  • Guest professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia- USA- the University of Provence Aix -Marseille 1, and the University Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III. France.


Scientific Research

-Publications: Articles and research studies in national and international Reviews.

-According to the legend and the image, Paris, l’Harmattan,  2005.

Issues of teaching French in Morocco (collective) Paris, l’Harmattan ,2019

-Participation in national and international workshops in communication, aesthetics, Education and cultural Heritage.

-Chairperson of the Morocco Book Prize 2002